

The Edward W. Hazen Foundation closed in 2024 and no longer makes grants.

The Foundation was a private foundation established in 1925 that was committed to supporting organizing and leadership of young people and communities of color in dismantling structural inequity based on race and class.

We focused on organizations embedded in communities and grounded in the experiences of young people of color seeking to transform the conditions of their lives. We supported our grantees in building the movement for social justice by moving all our assets to the communities creating change—learn more.

REPORT: Reevaluating Practice: Reimagining Philanthropy

Reevaluating Practice: Reimagining Philanthropy is a final offering to philanthropy from the Foundation and its nonprofit partners. The report includes recommendations by grassroots organizers to support funders in building partnerships that advance a more effective and sustainable movement for social justice.

Read the report on Grantmakers for Effective Organizations website–READ.